level 3 update part 4

I have been busy at finishing the end of the level. 

I have done two more rooms and started to hook up the story.

these rooms are the access platform as well as the throne room.  

I also added collision as well as hazards to the level. I also added the flight sub engine to the level.

it passed the pathway test for both no projectile as well as with projectile

the pathway test is that from when you first get to this area can you get to the next objective with no or minimal damage. for this I made minimal meaning no more than 4 damage. and the next objective is the end of the level.

projectile is with 4 damage and the no projectile test is damage less.

this level will not have a boss, but the next one will and won't have a weakness for being touched in fact it may use that as a free attack.

Get Temporal Light: Shadow Flame

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