Frequently asked questions

post here on any questions you have for the series, or this game and I will add them to this page

1.doesn't this story contradict shadow flame? yes and no. shadow flame takes place in universe 60 the jem from this game is from universe 64. and the game takes place in universe 32. shadow flame takes place in a parallel universe from this game.

2. why don't I see a .gb version. are you going to add it? maybe the reason why I choose to do the gameboy color version only is due to the optimization of the game. maybe in later versions I will put the .gb version.

3. when in the series does this take place? at the same time as light's adventure and shadow flame. timeline 32 has a different flow of time 1 month here is 1 year in timeline 64. and the timing as for when jem first arrived was lied about to jewel and chris/krystal.

4. jem of twilight chapter 4 isn't even out yet, isn't there spoilers? like most games this does not require the need to play the whole series to understand it. in fact, the biggest spoiler is in the first minute of gameplay. yes, there is spoilers however they all come from jem so she could be lying to jewel and chris/krystal. the only thing that is required to know is jem is a being from another universe and was unconscious for a period of time.

5. why doesn't jem just break out in the start why wait until chris/krystal is nearby? was she baiting them out? first off jem is not trying to bait them for an attack (as much as they think she was). everything that was visible when you press New Game is what was visible to her. (except the walls where reflective). this is to give what she knew at the time. why didn't she attack the wall anyways.  first off, she was raised in a universe in which is much more technologically advanced than what is shown in this game. meaning attacking a wall without knowing where you are, can be suicide as in it could be space. (she wasn't in a spacesuit) also there wasn't an immediate threat to her health, so she did not try to take a risk.

5B. wouldn't gravity give it away that space isn't on the other side? she built a starship that has artificial gravity generators so all she could tell is it isn't a personal starship. (if it was one) 

6.  why wasn't chris/krystal prepared with a gun or weapon? for one the wall jem broke through was 1/2 foot to a foot thick 1-way bulletproof glass. and they figured that she was disarmed of weapons before placing her in the room and jem was just a person that is crazy and wearing a costume not someone able to punch through bulletproof glass.


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