this is a side game for the game Temporal light(still in development). In this game you take the role of princess Light crystal Lightbringer, a wolf, cat, and human hybrid in a futuristic world set in 6518AD. the universe this game takes place in is an parallel one in which magic helped technology to be advanced more than what we have now and the game takes place in the far future of that timeline. in this game your objective is to get onto the temporal knife. an experimental ship able to traverse through multiple timelines.(it can also time travel). however light's father cumulo "Flare" lightbringer does not want light to board at all costs. this is because her mother disappeared 18 years prior under mysterious circumstances and he does not want light to be the same.

this demo was originally made for Free RPG Day 2023. made using GB studio 3.1.0.

this game does have flashing lights in certain sections of the game(epilepsy warning).  

github for modding/fangame reference: SpaceTimeWarrior/temporal-light-lights-adventure (


temporal light-light's adventure-Free RPG Day 2 MB
temporal light-light's adventure-update 3 MB

Install instructions

the .zip file contains multiple versions of the rom file each in separate folders.

the rom folder contains the rom that can be used in emulators. 

the web folder contains the files for web emulation.

the src folder contains project data

the pocket folder contains the rom for the analog pocket

unless specified in their respective folders the cartridge type is MBC 5.

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