a few micro updates

I recently released a few micro updates.

this is designed to fix a lot of the issues. specifically, the with the dialog box contrast as well as how the grade is calculated. this is done per level. getting a perfect score for a level recovers some health. I also have been looking through the lines of dialog and fixing them. as you can see upon loading the game there is an extra title screen option this allows the ability to change the dialog box frame. (The font is also changed to match the frame. Hyperion war is the default version, TL Basic is the same frame used in Jem of Twilight, and GB studio default is the default GB Studio frame and a modified font to add the button symbols)

I also made the GB file emulate a black Gameboy cartridge. this has extra color data such that if the game is placed in a Gameboy color or an emulator that can emulate it the game will be colored as if the game was made for the Gameboy color. I also made a Gameboy color version which trades compatibility with the original Gameboy for performance as well as locking the game in color mode.

for those who are wondering I will keep both jam versions as downloadable options


TL-Hyperion War.pocket 512 kB
68 days ago
TL-Hyperion War.gb 512 kB
68 days ago
TL-Hyperion War-gameboy color.gbc 512 kB
68 days ago
TL-Hyperion War.zip Play in browser
68 days ago
TL-Hyperion War - web.zip 131 kB
68 days ago

Get Temporal Light: Hyperion War

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